The Union Minister of State for Power, Raj Kumar Singh on Tuesday reviewed the Draft Distribution Perspective Plan– the first ever power distribution plan aimed at meeting the goal of 24x7 uninterrupted power for all Indians prepared by Central Electricity Authority (CEA), India’s apex power sector planning body.
The plan anticipates an increase in Distribution substation capacity by 38%, Distribution transformation capacity by 32% and an increase in different type of feeder lengths by 27-38% till 2022.
Present Situation :-
Discoms have so far been the weakest link in the electricity value chain. Poor payment records of state-owned discoms have not only adversely affected power generation companies, but have also contributed to stress in the banking sector.The power sector is reeling under bad loans worth about Rs1 trillion, with around 66 gigawatts (GW) facing various degrees of financial stress.
Objective of the Plan :-
- Sustaining the goal of 24X7 uninterrupted power for all with increasing demand of electricity by consumers.
- The plan lays emphasis on 100% metering of all consumers and providing an electricity connection on demand.
- The plan also envisages frontier technology initiatives with an objective of providing reliable quality power supply to consumers.
- The plan also envisages conversion of all Electricity consumer meters into smart meters in prepaid mode within the next three years.
Smart metering would empower consumers with tools to help them conserve energy and plan their electricity usage in an efficient and optimum manner. & Creating a smart meter architecture minimises human intervention in metering, billing and collection process and helps in reducing theft by identifying loss pockets.
Once released, the plan would be operationalised along with the states and their distribution companies (DISCOMs) under the spirit of cooperative and competitive federalism.
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